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Well, That's Not Very Ladylike

Written by Jennifer Lock

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About this Book:

An inspiring memoir detailing one woman’s journey to overcoming life’s toughest challenges. Despite a life-altering chronic illness, childhood trauma, abusive relationships, financial ruin, unimaginable loss, and her sanity barely hanging on, she refuses to give up. Through sheer will and determination, she transforms herself into the hero she always needed. May her story be an inspiration to all who are learning to love themselves unapologetically, unconditionally, just as you are, ladylike or not.


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About the Author:

Jennifer Lock faced tragedy early in her life with the illness and death of her father. Barely on the crest of adulthood, tragedy struck again with her own diagnosis of a lifelong chronic illness. Despite her ongoing mental health struggles and physical limitations, she is determined to live a normal life. Nevertheless, she persists to find meaning and humor in nearly every setback. Jennifer is a lifelong Ohio Midwesterner who finds peace in the simple things like gardening, jigsaw puzzles, and DIY projects. Her friends and family mean the world to her, and their support has been a huge part of what keeps her going. She also enjoys the company of her sweet rescue dog and snarky therapy cat who constantly keep her entertained.