Day Late, but NOT a Joelle Short!

Hello! One day late, but right on time! COVID-19 is one exhausting pandemic!

Many months ago we reached out on social media to find interns to help us around the company with various things that we needed to be done. One intern, in particular, stood out. Her cover letter was phenomenal, and her energy was awesome. Many students do not know just how much being yourself in an interview is needed to make a great impression, but Joelle did that and even asked Jessica her astrological sign. These two hit it off immediately, and Jessica is consistently impressed with Joelle’s drive. We definitely know her future is filled with potential and opportunities!

We asked her to answer a few questions and give ImagineWe readers a glimpse into Joelle’s mission and thoughts about a few things here’s what she said!

“Hello! My name is Joelle, I’m 19 years old and I’m in my third semester at Erie Community College. I’m studying Humanities with a concentration in English. I am pursuing a career in writing and editing. I came to know imagineWe through an advertisement for a student internship on the Facebook marketplace and emailed a resume and cover letter right away. I went in for an interview with Jessica, and she decided I would be a good fit to work with her during the interview!

When I envision working with ImagineWe in the future, I see myself taking on a leadership role in the empowerment initiative, a program that gives K-12 students an opportunity to become published authors. I see myself communicating with and presenting to schools as well as working on the editing and formatting of the published works.

Along with helping out with various things in general, Jessica is working with me to write my first children’s book. In my book, a girl named Summer loses her favorite toy. After looking everywhere she can think of for it, she blames it on her sister Anna, and she has to decide how to deal with her tough feelings of guilt about what she did. From my book, I hope children can learn that they can’t be perfect. Sometimes they might hurt someone else’s feelings on accident, and by communicating openly, conflict can actually be an opportunity to make a relationship stronger. 

Because COVID-19 is slowly taking over people’s will to be productive, I reached out to Jessica and asked if I could work on something new online to get back to work and be a bigger part of the company during this time. She helped me set up something I was already working on to transition to an online environment! I am feeling surprisingly excited to start on this! I’m so happy to be back working on something!

The project we transitioned online is an Online Open House! The Open House is a Facebook group that I will operate for one week. Every day I’ll be posting videos talking about different aspects of what ImagineWe is doing in the community, sharing about children’s books, and raising awareness for opportunities to participate with us. Viewers can expect opportunities to learn about publishing a book with ImagineWe, or about one of the books that I am reviewing and talking about, purchase a book if you like it, or get involved with one of our programs. If there is something you love about what I am talking about, please let me know! Interact with my group located here:

#excited #happy #love #fun #instagood #music #smile #blessed #family #cantwait #joy #enjoy #beautiful #funny #funtimes #sohappy #new #travel #christmas #grateful #feelgood #comingsoon #smiling #goodmood #cute #happiness #instahappy #goals #laugh #JoelleSeiden

Here is what you can expect from my group!

On Monday, May 11th, I am going to introduce myself, and what this awesome Open House is all about to me. I am also going to be talking about the newest book that just launched yesterday called The Spectrum Heroes Take on Dylan D’Villaine! This book is so cool! 

On Tuesday, May 12th, I am going to be talking all about the history and future of ImagineWe! Emphasis on the future because we have a lot of really cool things planned out for over the next few years! Can you say Going National!? I will also be giving a brief introduction to the programs we have to offer and giving a book review.

On Wednesday, May 13th, I am going to be introducing the most popular series of books that we have called our Mission Books! And then going further in-depth about our National Philanthropic Literature Program that I introduced the day before, and giving another book review..obviously!

On Thursday, May 14th, I am giving an in-depth discussion about our K-12 Publishing for Empowerment Initiative. This is the program that I am really excited to be working with and will be taking up a bigger role in, in the future….and a book review…seeing a daily theme?

On Friday, May 15th, I am going to be talking about the publishing process. ImagineWe is a full-service publishing company. This means they DO IT ALL. From helping you figure out what you want to write about, to set your book up with an illustrator, to editing, to formatting to E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G. else!…and….anotherbookreview!

On Saturday, May 16th, I’ll be discussing how other students can do an awesome Open House, too, and all about how they can do it to earn credits, and rewards towards their own published book! We help ImagineWe, and ImagineWe helps us! Full circle, and dreams ahead!…and my second to last book review!

And Sunday, the last day, May 17th, I’ll be reviewing how the week went, answering any questions you might have, going over my goal, and concluding the week. And reviewing my very last book for the week!

What a crazy awesome week to come. This Facebook Open House will be starting on May 11th and ending on May 17th! It’s going to be so much fun, and we really hope you will be there!”

What an awesome blog Joelle produced! If you have any questions for her, or things you would like us to go over in the Open House let us know in the comments below! 

Check out next week’s blog, on Monday, and learn about the Emotional Support that was drawn into one of the ImagineWe books! Sometimes life is hard, and this kind of support, which you’ll read about on Monday is so important…little hint…they are “man’s best friend!”

#excited #happy #love #fun #instagood #music #smile #blessed #family #cantwait #joy #enjoy #beautiful #funny #funtimes #sohappy #new #travel #christmas #grateful #feelgood #comingsoon #smiling #goodmood #cute #happiness #instahappy #goals #laugh #joelleseiden